Summer isn't quite here yet, but we could feel it coming on at the match on Saturday morning. We had a great turnout, including two new (to us) shooters, Taylor Bloyer and Bryant Lewis. Welcome to you both--we hope to see you on the range again soon! In fact, they did a great job in the Modern Military category, with Bryant taking home the gold pin (268.01) and Taylor the silver. Congratulations! And Jim Bongo won the GSM match with a score of 264.00. Great job! 

Thanks to everyone who turned out on Saturday for what was our first match of 2017. It felt like a long time since our last match, and I for one was feeling very rusty! Congratulations to Stan Respess who won the gold in the Modern Military category, and also to Jeff Kinney, who led the pack in the GSM category.

Complete results available below.

It was a small but dedicated turnout on Saturday that braved the cold & fog to shoot in our last match of 2016. Congratulations to Clint Randles, who dominated the Modern Military category. And congratulations to Tanner Moore, match winner in the GSM category. Thanks to everyone who participated--hope you had a great time! Complete results are below.

Happy Thanksgiving DEGS! Your November match scores are now available. Chris Hymen won the gold in the GSM category with a score of 275.03. And Tony Simonetti's 282.06 topped out the Modern Military category. Congratulations to you both! And welcome to new shooters Rusty Foster and Justin Cordero. We hope to see you all on the range again next month!

We couldn't have asked for nicer weather for yesterday's match, especially after our visit from hurricane Matthew last weekend. And I'm pleased to report that the range is in great shape. Strange enough, it was muddy at the 100 yard line, but not nearly the worst we have seen it. Go figure! And we had a great turnout, with nine entries in the GSM category and five in Modern Military (counting re-entries).

Congratulations to Clint Randles, who won the Modern Military category shooting his AR for a score of 290.07. And Chris Hymen, shooting a Garand, won the GSM category with a score of 277.04. Great job! Complete match scores are posted below.

By the way, Clint set a new club Modern Military record with that score, edging out the previous record set by Dewey Hales by a mere 2 Xs! 

Remember we only have two matches left this year before we take our short winter break. As always, hope to see you on the range!