Congratulations go out to Tony Simonetti and Richard Martinez winners in the Garand and Modern Military classes at our last match. Tony won top honors with the Garand shooting a 274-2X and Richard swept away the competition shooting 296-11X. The full results can be found below.

The weather held off last weekend as 13 shooters came out for the October match. A shower did provide a little rain but we were able to get in both relays. Tony Simonetti took top honors in the modern military category posting a score of 292-11X. In the GSM category Chris Hymen was the top shooter posting a score of 281-4X. Full match results can be found on our website.

The weather held off last Saturday and although it was hot and humid, it was a great day to be on the range. Congratulations this month go to our match winner Dewey Hales with a score of 284.04. Congratulations are also extended to Tony Simonetti, winner of the modern military class with a score of 279.02. Complete match results are posted below.

For the last several years, we have hosted a sniper match as a bonus match during the summer. This year we changed gears a little and opted to host a service pistol match as our bonus match. We held our inaugural pistol match this year on June 30th and had a great turnout. Rifle shooters who haven’t been out in a while were able to return to the range and show their handgun skills.

Saturday turned out to be a great day to be on the range and we had a great turnout for our 2018 John Wallace Cup match in memory of founding member, club historian, and unofficial armorer, John Wallace. Competitors in the cup match must use an as-issued M1 Garand with surplus ammunition, and the course of fire is the same course we shoot each month. There are no practice relays allowed in this one, so your first relay must be with the Garand, and that will be your entry into the cup match. Shooters not competing for the cup are welcome to shoot in the Vintage, Modern, Unlimited or other categories as always.