Looks like the weather has finally turned in our favor. Last Saturday was a great day to be out on the range. It started a bit foggy for the first relay, but the fog was about gone before they finished their sighters. And by the time the second relay started, we had clear skies and cool(ish) weather. Who could ask for anything more! Congratulations to Dewey Hales, who swept both categories to take home both the GSM and Modern Military gold pins. And welcome to new member Robert Edwards.

Click "Read More" below for the complete match results.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Saturday's match was another hot and humid one. August is pretty consistent that way. Still, we had a great turnout and some stiff competition in the modern and vintage categories. First of all, a big "welcome back" and congratulations to Chris Kurek, who won the GSM gategory with a score of 267.03. And in the Modern Military, Dewey Hales brought home the medal with a score of 292.10, setting a club record in the process.

The rain threatened to shut us down Saturday morning, but in the end, the cloud cover made for a great morning to shoot our Vintage Sniper Match. Maybe for the first time in club history, we can say that we had a match in July where the temperature never got over eighty degrees!

Whether you made it to the match on Saturday or not, you probably don't need me to tell you that it was a hot one! Between the ninety degree plus heat and the humidity, it was the definition of a "black flag" day. For those that don't know, that's a term the military uses for a day that's so hot, all "nonessential" activities are suspended.Well, for those of us with M1 Garands in our blood, the match on Saturday was definitely essential! We ended up with eight shooters overall, with three competitors in the Modern Military class. And I think we had a DEGS first this month: one shooter, Dewey Hales took home the gold medal in both the GSM and Modern Military categories. Congratulations! See below for the complete match results.0

Saturday was a hot one, but we had a great turnout for our 2017 John Wallace Cup match in memory of founding member, club historian, and unofficial armorer, John Wallace. Competitors in the cup match must use an as-issued M1 Garand with surplus ammunition, and the course of fire is the same 35-round CMP "A" course we shoot each month. There are no practice relays allowed in this one, so your first relay must be with the Garand, and that will be your entry into the cup match. Shooters not competing for the cup are welcome to shoot in the Vintage, Modern, Unlimited or other categories as always.