Thanks to everyone who was able to turn out for the match on Saturday--we had a great time, and the temperature is actually getting bearable now! Chris Hymen took home the gold in the GSM category with a score of 274.04. Congratulations! And Tony Simonetti was our match winner in the Modern Military category with a score of 281.03. Great job! 

Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday--the humidity was a killer, but we had a great match just the same! Congratulations to Dewey Hales, who swept both the GSM and the Modern Military categories with scores of 276.01 and 290.05. Excellent shooting!

Remember that we still have five matches remaining in 2016, so even if your match count for the year is zero, you can still qualify for the drawing. All DEGS members who fire in at least 5 matches in the year are automatically entered into our annual Garand drawing.

It was another hot one on Saturday, but the die-hards were there and they got the match done. Tom Wareham had the top score in the Vintage category with his K98 Mauser. And Chris Hymen topped the Open class with his Remington 700 in .223.

If you haven't tried the sniper match yet, I highly recommed checking it out next time for a change of pace. It is our only match dedicated to scoped rifles. It is also a timed match--you only have 20 seconds per shot. And, it is our only team event--one shooter fires while another spots and calls out corrections.

Complete results are available in the pdf below.


Here are your match results from Saturday, 16 July. Congratulations to Tony Simonetti, who won both the GSM and Modern Military matches with scores of 278.02 and 282.06. Nice job! And welcome to new shooter Matthew Mathwig. Hope to see you at a future match!

Don't forget our Vintage Sniper Match coming up on 30 July! We have categories for vintage & modern rifles in addition to an "open" class for everything else!


Our seventh John Wallace Cup match is complete, and this year Abe Wallie won the cup with a score of 282.02. Great job! Dewey Hales was the winner in the Modern Military class with a score of 281.03. Complete match results are below.