We had a great turn out Saturday, thanks to all of the shooters who came to compete at the June DEGS match. Attached are the complete results. Congratulations to Jason Cisarano who won the GSM match with a 281 5X. The modern military match was won by William Cale with a 254 3X but right on his heels was Russel Nead scoring a 254 2X. What a close match! The unlimited modern military match was won by Joe McMillian with a smoking score of 297 15X.

We had a great turn out at the April Match. Thanks to the seventeen competitors who came out and shot their rifles! It was nice to see the line full again.

I would like to congratulate one of our newest members, Samuel Ashley, for winning the GSM match with his Garand. He shot an outstanding score!

It is tough to believe that DEGS is starting its fifteenth year, but here we are! Thanks to everyone who turned out to make the first match of 2024 a great one, and thanks especially to everyone who pitches in to make it happen. Without ALL of you, there would be no matches and no club. Here's to another fifteen years!

The first match of the 2023 shooting season is behind us and what a pleasure it was to see a good turnout. We test ran a new weather call option. We were setting the following weekend in reserve if we had a rainout. Tony Simonetti agreed to be the Weatherman and make the call early the day of the match at 5:00 am. Thank you Tony. Lots of pressure with that job! He contacted me and said we looked good and I sent out an email alert at 5:30 am to all the membership to let them know the match was a go. Let us know what you thought of that idea. We had a slight short drizzle but the match came off without a hitch. Now to report on to the best part of the day!

One More and Done for Another Season!

Well the time is fast approaching for our last match of the 2022 Season. It has been a privilege to serve as the DEGS club president. A few things to note from this past year. We drug out our old 30-06 brass and have cleaned and de-primed those shells and have sold one batch for $300 to put in our club coffers. More of that brass is being offered on Gun Broker and several media sites and CMP Blogsites. If any of you are re-loaders you will get a club deal price on this brass! The club purchased two more Garands just recently to bring our total number of club rifles to five M-1 Garands. And the club is ordering a paverstone to be placed in the walkway at the Talledega Marksmanship Park to show our club support for the Shooting Sports. It will be simply inscribed: "Down East Garand Shooters, Est. 2009 Greenville NC."