Achievement Awards & Recognition
Down East Garand Shooters
Sanctioned Events

To provide competitors with incentives to participate and improve, the CMP and Down East Garand Shooters Club provide Achievement Medals and Pins to be presented to competitors. Gold, silver and bronze achievement awards are presented to approximately the top 40 percent of all competitors. Achievement Award scores are calculated so that approximately the top one- sixth of the top 40 percent of all shooters receive gold awards, the next two- sixths receive silver awards and the remaining three-sixths receive bronze awards. This follows the standard set forth in the CMP rules. For more info and current CMP achievement award scores, see page 100 of the current CMP rulebook.
Shooters in the remaining 60 percent may contact the club via our website and request coaching assistance. The club will have a pool of seasoned shooters to team with the respondent to spend some one on one time at the range. Our mission is to aid our members/competitors to participate and improve their shooting skills, bottom line.
DEGS will use the “As-Issued Military Match Course A format.” Read more about our course of Fire.
All rifles used in the Garand Match must be “as-issued” M1 Garands that comply with “Competition Rules for CMP Games Rifle and Pistol Matches, 4th Edition--2016.”
4.2.2 As-Issued M1 Garand
The rifle must be a Caliber .30 U. S. M1 Garand rifle that was issued by the U.S. Armed Forces and be in as-issued condition. A Caliber .30 M1941 Johnson rifle or a U.S. Carbine Caliber .30 M1 may be fired in matches designated as M1 Garand matches.
- Rifles must be as issued by the U.S. Armed Forces, with standard stock and sights.
- Trigger pulls may not be less than 4.5 lbs., except that the M1941 Johnson may have a trigger pull of not less than 3.5 lbs.
- National Match (NM) Garands with synthetic bedding or NM sights may not be used. NM rifles with no synthetic bedding or no NM sights or other rifles with NM operating rods or NM gas cylinders may be used.
- The use of shims made of any material in the action and barrel bedding areas of the stock is prohibited.
- As-issued M1 Garands must be chambered for the .30-06 cartridge. No rifles chambered for the 7.62mm NATO (.308) cartridge may be used.
- M1C and M1D Garands, with telescopes detached, are considered asissued M1 Garands, provided that they comply with other requirements for As-Issued M1 Garands. Cheek pads may not be used on these or other M1 Garands.
- M1 Garand or M1941 Johnson rifles may not weigh more than 9.75 lbs. M1 Carbines may not weigh more than 6.1 lbs.
4.2.3 As-Issued M1903 Springfield
The rifle must be a standard issue service rifle that was issued by the U.S. Armed Forces and be in as-issued condition. Permitted rifles are the Caliber .30 U. S. Model 1903 and Model 1903 A3 Springfield rifles, except that Caliber .30 U. S. Model 1903 Springfield rifles manufactured by Springfield Armory with serial numbers of 810,000 or lower or by Rock Island Arsenal with serial numbers of 285,506 or lower may not be used in any CMPsanctioned competition.
- Rifles must be as issued by the U.S. Armed Forces, with standard stock and sights.
- Trigger pulls on the M1903 Springfield may not be less than 3.5 lbs.
- Sights must be of the same types that were on rifles issued to regular military personnel. Special purpose sights designed for sniping, target practice or competition are not permitted.
- Front sight blades with USMC dimensions for blade thickness are permitted on both M1903 and M1903A3 rifles. The top of the front sight blade must not be wider than 0.100”.
- The use of shims made of any material in the action and barrel bedding areas of the stock is prohibited.
- Only U.S. Government Issue parts or non-U. S. Government or commercial parts of the exact same weight and dimensions may be used.
- Springfield rifles may be fired with as-issued front sight covers in place on the rifle. Legal sight covers include the common front sight covers made by Springfield Arsenal, Rock Island Arsenal, and Remington, and the higher Marine Corps front sight cover made for the Marine Corps front sight. Commercial equivalents of those covers may be used. No sight cover may be higher than 1.9” when measured from the bottom of the barrel.
- National Match M1903 or M1903A3 rifles with star-gauged barrels are legal for use in as-issued rifle matches, providing that the sights are asissued sights and the rifle has standard bedding in wood (no inserts or synthetic bedding).
- M1903 or M1903A3 rifles may not weigh more than 9.2 lbs.
4.2.4 Other As-Issued U. S. Military Rifles
The rifle must be a manually operated rifle that was issued by the U.S. Armed Forces and be in as-issued condition. Permitted rifles are the Caliber .30 U. S. Model 1917 and the Caliber .30-40 U. S. Krag. Other U. S. military rifles such as the Caliber .30-40 M1895 (lever action) and 6mm caliber M1895 LeeNavy rifle may be used.
- Rifles must be as issued by the U.S. Armed Forces, with standard stock and sights.
- Trigger pulls may not be less than 3.5 lbs.
- Sights must be of the same types that were on rifles issued to regular military personnel, except that the front sight may be retrofitted with a blade with the same profile as the as-issued sight that is not wider than 0.100.”
- The use of shims made of any material in the action and barrel bedding areas of the stock is prohibited.
- Only U.S. Government Issue parts or non-U. S. Government or commercial parts of the exact same weight and dimensions may be used.
- As-issued M1917 rifles must be chambered for the .30-06 cartridge. U. S. Krag rifles must be chambered for the .30-40 Krag cartridge.
4.2.5 As-Issued Foreign Military Rifle
The rifle must be a rifle that was issued by the Armed Forces of a country other than the U. S. and be in as-issued condition. All as-issued foreign military rifles must be manually operated bolt-action or straight-pull rifles. Semi-automatic or fully automatic rifles are not permitted.
- Rifles must be as issued by the foreign government, with a standard stock and sights.
- Trigger pulls may not be less than 3.5 lbs.
- Rifles must conform to the weight and dimension specifications of the standard issue service rifle. Weights may not be added to the rifle.
- Only Government Issue parts or commercial parts of the exact same weight and dimensions may be used.
- Sights must be of the same types that were on rifles issued to regular military personnel. Special purpose sights designed for sniping, target practice or competition are not permitted.
- Rifles that were issued with sharp-edged, inverted V (“barleycorn”) front sights may be retrofitted with flat-topped post front sights of military type. Retrofitted front sights may not have copper bead or colored aiming elements and may not be wider than 0.100”.
- Rifles issued with side-mounted front sling swivels may be retrofitted with military type sling swivels (not quick detachable) that are positioned in the 6 o’clock location, relative to its original sling swivel location (may not be moved forward or rearward from that point). If the issue swivel was narrower than 1 1/4” the retrofit swivel may be 1 1/4”. The as-issued sling may be replaced with a standard U. S. military sling (Rule 3.6.1).
- Rifles may be accurized only by the careful assembly of standard parts.
- Rebarreling with a barrel of as-issued dimensions is permitted.
- Shims made of wood, fabric, paper, metal or other similar material, of types that were originally installed by military arsenals in these rifles and that are placed between the stock and the action, barrel or trigger assembly are permitted.
- All as-issued rifles must be chambered for the cartridge for which they were originally chambered.
- Rifles may be equipped with slings originally issued with the rifle or with a U. S. M1907 or M1 sling (see Rule 3.6.6).
5.2.1 As-Issued M1 Carbine
The firearm must be a U. S. M1 or M1A1 Carbine chambered for the Caliber .30 Carbine cartridge that was issued by the U.S. Armed Forces, manufactured by Inland, IBM, Irwin-Pedersen, National Postal Meter, Quality Hardware, Rock-Ola, Saginaw Steering Gear, Standard Products, Underwood or Winchester.
- Carbines must be as issued by the U.S. Armed Forces, with standard stock and sights.
- As-issued M1 Carbines must be chambered for the Caliber .30 Carbine cartridge.
- Trigger pulls may not be less than 4.5 lbs.
- Carbines must conform to the weight and dimensions of the standard issue M1 Carbine. M1 Carbines may not weigh more than 6.1 lbs. Weights may not be added to the Carbine.
- M1 Carbines must be equipped with a stock made for an M1 or M2 Carbine.
- Standard-issue 15-round magazines or magazines with the same shape, length and configuration must be used. 30-round magazines may not be used.
- Only U.S. Government Issue parts or non-U. S. Government or commercial parts of the exact same weight and dimensions may be used.
- Sights must be of the same types that were on rifles issued to regular military personnel.
- Rebarreling with a barrel of as-issued dimensions is permitted. Replacement barrels must have the same exact contours and cuts as the as-issued barrel.
- The use of shims made of any material in the action and barrel bedding areas of the stock is prohibited.
- Carbines made by any other manufacturer or a commercial Carbine of the same type and caliber may be used if permitted by the match program or if a separate category is provided for these Carbines.
5.2.2 General Rules for Modern Military Rifles
Semi-automatic military rifles of U. S. or foreign manufacture or commercial rifles of the same type and caliber or commercial variations of military-type 38 rifles may be fired. There are two categories of Modern Military Rifles. The match program must specify whether a Modern Military Rifle event is for Class A and/or Class B rifles or for Classes A and B rifles combined. All Modern Military Rifles must comply with the following general requirements:
- The exterior configuration of the rifle must be the similar to that of the original military or military-type rifle.
- The trigger pull may not be less than 4.5 lbs.
- Rifles must be standard production or as-issued rifles with no special accurizing or match conditioning.
- The rifle may have an optical sight (reflective sights are considered optical sights) with a maximum power of 4.5X installed on the receiver. Variable scopes with a maximum of 4.5X are permitted. Only commercially manufactured scopes that were produced with a maximum magnification of 4.5X and that have a maximum objective lens diameter of 34 mm may be used. If an optical sight is used, the same optical sight configuration must be used in all stages of a course of fire (changing sights or sight mount configurations is not permitted). The centerline of an optical sight shall be no higher than 3.5 inches above the centerline of the bore.
- Alternatively, the rifle may be equipped with issue-type metallic front and rear sights. Metallic sights, if used, must have an M16 type sight design with the rear sight in the carry handle and the front sight in standard M16 location.
- Butt-stocks may vary in length and be either fixed or collapsible. Collapsible or adjustable length stocks are permitted, but butt stocks that allow for other adjustments such as the cheek-piece height or butt-plate location may not be used.
- Magazines may have a capacity of no more than 30 rounds and may not be used to support the rifle in a firing position where the magazine rests on the ground or arm.
5.2.3 U.S. Modern Sporting Rifles, Class A
Category A Modern Sporting Rifles must comply with these additional requirements:
- Rifles based on the M-16 or AR design and manufactured by a USA manufacturer must be used.
- Total rifle weight, with sights and without sling, may not exceed 8.5 pounds.
- No special accurizing is permitted except that a non-adjustable sling swivel may be attached to the forward end of the handguard.
- The rifle must be chambered for the 5.56x45 mm or .223 Remington cartridge.
5.2.4 Modern Military Rifles, Class B
Category B Modern Military Rifles must comply with these additional requirements:
- Modern Military Rifles manufactured in the U. S. or another country may be used.
- The rifle may be chambered for any cartridge not exceeding caliber 8 mm.
- Rifle weights may not exceed the weights specified in the chart (See rulebook).