Mission Statement: Our goal is to promote the shooting sports, specifically with the M1 Garand, while supporting firearms safety, education, and marksmanship. From this and our desire to take us to the next level, the Vision Statement flowed allowing for our constitution and by-laws to support where we want to take the club.
Vision Statement: Our vision is to enlist and groom shooters to become the best they can be while supporting the Civilian Marksmanship Program and to assemble and support a shooting team to compete in local, state, or national events under the banner of “The Down East Garand Shooters.”
Our Constitution and By-Laws were drafted to ensure they supported our mission and forward-looking vision of the club. Please look over the enclosed documents that our club operates by. Through the by-laws, we have ensured the ability to continually refresh the leadership of the club with yearly elections. We feel this fosters the best ideas and abilities we have to continually come through the rank and file.
Complete DEGS constitution PDF
Club Logo Images: Here are a couple of our logo images for anyone who would like to use them to help promote the club. If you need a vector format image, contact us. We have them!