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REMEMBER: DEGS members who shoot in five DEGS matches during a calendar year qualify to win a Garand in our annual raffle! The drawing is held at the yearly club banquet, generally held in January of each year.
Match Location: Paradise Hunting Preserve, 3993 Bill Adams Road, Grimesland, NC 27837. See map for details.
Garand Matches
Registration for all matches begins at 8:00am. The first relay starts shooting at 8:30am, and the second begins at approximately 10:00am. For specifics on the course of fire, see the main match information page.
Range setup is a pitch-in effort by all match participants, and it we greatly appreciate anyone who shows up at 8am to help set up the targets and firing line.
Our annual Garand clinic will be held on 18 February, 2023. Complete information on the 2023 clinic.
2023 Match Dates
- March 18
- April 15
- May 20
- June 17
- July 15 - CMP Military & Police Pistol Match, NOT a rifle match
- August 19
- September 16
- October 21
- November 18
- December 16
Range fee: $20 for public, $15 for DEGS members, $10 for Paradise members, $5 for members of both DEGS and Paradise
Ammunition fee: Surplus M2 ball ammuntion is available at $25 for 35 rounds
Please contact us for more information or to pre-register for a match. We have loaner gear and rifles available for members and non-members alike.
Each year, we kick off the shooting season with a free Garand clinic. Run by a trained instructor, it will have info useful to the new and experienced shooter alike. In 2023, the clinic will be held on 18 February. See our flyer or Contact us for more info.
We have substituted a pistol match for our July 15 match, and it follows the CMP Military & Police Pistol Match rules. However, if your pistol does not meet those requirements, we have created an OUTLAW class that allows any pistol you may have. Registration fees are the same as for our regular matches.